Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Crazy Term 1 Review!

 Wow - it is already the end of Term 1 2021!!!  We have had such a busy term - one filled with much learning and outside fun.

Our highlights this term include: walking our pepeha (Maungaroa, Hamanatua Stream, Poho o Rawiri Marae), school and interschool sports events, Y6 camp/Y5 smoothie week and learning how the MLH hub works.

Our whole school inquiry topic has been Purākau: Our stories which has included our pepeha and work around getting our GreenGold Enviroschools award.

Next term, we are looking at Kororā (Little Blue Penguin) which will be super exciting as we have some at the beach across the road from us.

We are looking forward to fun holidays... hope you are too!