Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Mellow Maths

Geometry learning was delicious in MLH today. But what does food have to do geometry you ask?

Koka Terri set us the task of creating 3D shapes out of the above materials. We figured out that the marshmallows represented the vertices and the kebab sticks represented the edges. 

In order to get the materials, we had to choose one of the shapes Koka Terri selected for us to make and let her know how many vertices and edges we would need to build it. If we asked for a clue, we would get a penalty = loss of marshmallows! None of us wanted to lose one of those so we had to engage in lots of learning discussions and undergo trial and error in order to get it right.

Check out some of our square-based pyramids, then head over to the kids blogs next week to see more!

1 comment:

  1. What interesting maths! I am impressed with the problem solving you did to complete this task. Working in a team helps thinking of potential solutions.
    (I hope there were a few vertices left over!)
