Friday, 28 February 2020

Our Shade House Crew in action again!

On 27 February our Shade House Crew had the opportunity to work with members of the public to propagate seeds from Titirangi/Kaiti Hill with Kauri Forno.

They met at the Summit Carpark and learnt about how the new trees had been planted and that the time was right to propagate/collect seeds from these trees to grow new ones in the nursery at EIT.  These will grow in shadehouses and then when they are bigger and ready - they will be planted back on Kaiti Hill.

TV crew capturing the hard work!
At EIT planting the seeds
Our Shade House crew do an awesome job at propagating seeds and growing plants at school - this was a great initiative to take that further into our local community.

Their hard mahi was also captured by Te Ao Maori News!  Click here to see our team and others in action on the day.

 We look forward to the Shade House crew sharing their expertise with us and others in the future!

Making sure they're ready to grow

Friday, 21 February 2020

Surfs Up!

Our first Surfing Club for 2020 was an absolute blast. We had some of our more experienced surfers out the back at Northern Makarori and some new surfers walking on water for the first time! A huge TU MEKE to you all! What a way to start a Friday morning.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents who gave up their time to support us this morning. Your continued support and enthusiasm with our surfers is what gets those gigantic smiles on their faces. We can't wait to see the improvement they make each week.

Take a look at some of our pictures from this week - Happy Friday everyone!


Thursday, 20 February 2020

Action Packed ... AGAIN!

We have been continuing to work hard in MLH setting goals and getting our artistic juices flowing!

Each of us were given a small piece of an art piece which we had to enlarge. This was a tricky task due to the lines, colours, shading ... not to mention the fact that we didn't actually know what then end product was going to be! We are so proud of our collaborative art piece. It stands proudly in the doorway of Moana 2 and 3 - He waka eke noa! We are all in this together!

We also learnt about Pop Art and it's influence on art. We loved the bright contrasting colours so decided to use this style of art for our portraits this year. They look just like a piece from and Andy Warhol exhibition.

Please come into the class to check out our awesome artwork!

We are very proud of everyone from MLH who participated in the Weetbix tryathlon this year. You represented yourselves and our school with pride and gave it your best - TU MEKE!

Last week we started our pepeha walk by heading down to our awa Hamanatua. We learnt about what the awa was used for in the past and ways in which we can look after it now. Part of our mission is to get rid of the fennel which is suffocating our native trees by the Okitu Bridge. If you would like to help us on this mission let us know - many hands make getting rid of fennel happen faster!!

We would also like to thank Sonia Keepa who came down to talk to our Y6 students about ocean safety. We learnt the three R's - Relax, Raise your hand and Ride the rip - which will help us to get out of a rip safely as well as how to spot a rip.

Three weeks down already! This term is whizzing by - I guess time flys when you love learning in MLH :)

  .   .  

Friday, 7 February 2020

Jam Packed First Week Back at School!

What an awesome start to the year we have had in Moana Learning Hub. 

A round of People Bingo first up allowed us to mix and mingle with classmates helping us to learn something new about each other. Who knew so many in our class could touch their noses with their tongues! We continued to learn more about each other (and different animals) in a classification game, which resulted in us finding our new Buzz Groups. Our Buzz Groups are groups that we will continue to Learn, Create and Share with throughout the year.


This week we got stuck into swimming and begun Quickwrites which will become a weekly priority. In this week's writing, we had to decide which was better: Chocolate or Cheese? Which would you choose? You can make a comment below with your choice. Don't forget to add your reason/s why.

With Thursday out of the classroom, we also got started on some learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. Next week we will be able to bring home some booklets so you can see our learning too.

The week wouldn't have been complete if we didn't spend more time in our Buzz groups getting our license to use our Chromebooks (Kawa of Care), playing Tension and having a go at some team-building exercises.


We can't wait for all of the fun 2020 has in store for us!

Kia Ora!